Unlike traditional physical therapy that is often focused only on relieving the symptoms, our approach to physical therapy goes far beyond temporary fixes to relieve the symptoms by treating the cause of the problem through direct, hands-on treatment. The physical therapy services you’ll receive at Advanced Physical Therapy Specialists includes an array of techniques to insure the source of your pain is identified and your ailment corrected.
A Unique Approach, Customized to Your Needs
After a thorough evaluation, your treatment plan will blend the best of conventional physical therapy and orthopedic manual physical therapy treatments that have been proven successful. Over the years, Jeremy has earned a reputation for achieving success where other therapies and treatments have failed. Not only does he strive to provide relief from the symptoms, he also works with patients to help them understand what actions may be causing or prolonging their condition and show them simple fixes that can be applied to everyday life for long-term benefit.
Quality Medical Care
Most importantly, Jeremy recognizes that successful treatment takes the full attention of a trained and licensed physical therapist. He provides more time to fewer patients ensuring unsurpassed quality of care. At Advanced Physical Therapy Specialists, you will spend all your time with a highly-skilled therapist.
Advanced Physical Therapy Services
Jeremy’s experience, advanced education and certifications ensure your needs are met to allow you to meet life’s challenges and an active lifestyle. We can help with most physical therapy needs you have, but advanced post-graduate training and focus experience gives Jeremy extra insights into the following service areas: