Around this time of year, I give back-saving tips for back to school.  My number one top was to check the weight of your child’s book bag.  But now, that many of us are homeschooling our kids, we need some more relevant tips and tricks to make sure our kids have a virtual homeschool learning space that won’t mess up their backs.

The right homeschooling space can boost learning if it a comfortable space that maximizes focus and organization.  With the tips below you can create a virtual homeschool learning space for your child that is both functional and comfortable, as well as good for your child’s back.

Homeschool Learning Space Tips

Get the Set Up Right

The number one tip to reduce back pain while virtual learning, is to get the set up right for your child’s desk or workstation.  Many times, we allow our kids to sit on the couch, our office chairs, or at the dining room table, but those are not the right size for them, especially for long periods of time.  Improper sitting while studying for long periods of time can cause back and neck pain.  Ideally, you want a desk that allows for both feet to be flat on the floor and the knees to be just below the hips.  You can place a book under your kid’s feet or lower their seat.

Support their Back

The second tip for your child’s virtual homeschool learning space is to provide back support.  While kids may like sitting on stools or lounging on the floor, neither sitting positions provide back support.  To limit slouching for long periods of time, you can provide a chair with a back to it and support them further by placing a pillow behind the shoulder blades.

Make it Eye Level

It’s easy to look down while holding the phone or ipad, or if the laptop is on our lap.  Instead, move your devices to a desk or table that keeps that keeps the first type line on your screen at eye level.  This avoids a hunched over position which can cause neck and shoulder pain.  A little trick you can use is to place a book under the laptop and raise it to eye level that way.  Alternatively, you can purchase a laptop stand, a sit to stand desk, or veridesk which allows you to change the height of the desk.

Take Breaks

An important, but easy to forget tip, is to take breaks.  Set an alarm for every 20 – 30 minutes, so that your child can get up, walk around, stretch, and move.  Sitting for long periods of time can cause back and neck pain.

Ask a Physical Therapist

Lastly, feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about your child’s virtual homeschool learning space set up at home.  And if you do notice that your child is complaining of back or neck discomfort, you can set up a Free Phone Consultation Here.

Finally, studying and learning from home is new to many kids.  Being a dad of two teenage girls, it’s easy to forget how stressful this can be for them.  So, I hope with these helpful tips and tricks, at the very least you and your kids can have a homeschool virtual space that maximizes learning and comfort.